The gp41 PCR amplicon was from pNL4-3 by PCR amplification using primers with introduced XhoI and XbaI restriction sites (underlined): forward primer starting with position 7725 (XhoI) 5- gagtggtgcagagagaaactcgagcagtggg and reverse primer starting with 8722 (XbaI) 5- agctgcttgttatacttctagaaccctat
The gp41 PCR amplicon was from pNL4-3 by PCR amplification using primers with introduced XhoI and XbaI restriction sites (underlined): forward primer starting with position 7725 (XhoI) 5- gagtggtgcagagagaaactcgagcagtggg and reverse primer starting with 8722 (XbaI) 5- agctgcttgttatacttctagaaccctat. were analysed. All supernatants were concentrated 20 H-1152 dihydrochloride occasions, and two glycosylated forms (about gp33 and…