The amount of PC and PPS3 specific IgM was calculated relative to either an IgM or IgA standard curve. IgG responses where studies show reduced IgG levels after immunization (6, 9, 22C24) or contamination (22C24) in the absence of natural IgM. B-1 cell-derived natural IgM effectively clears infections by use of its unique repertoire, which recognizes discrete microbial cell wall determinates such as phosphorylcholine (PC, principal cell wall antigen of contamination (30, 31). Mice expressing TdT constitutively are unable to produce germline-like antibody, and when vaccinated with heat-killed generate an anti-PC response; however, these anti-PC antibodies made up of abundant N-additions are not protective against contamination (32). These studies spotlight the importance of germline-like antibody structure for providing protection against contamination. While B-1 cell derived natural antibodies are effective at providing protection against pneumococcal contamination, it is not comprehended how this protection is influenced by advancing age in the context of biological sex. Since pneumococcal contamination still poses significant Prosapogenin CP6 challenges for prevention and treatment in those over 65, and sex-based differences in outcomes are well documented (19, 20), it is critical to understand how B-1 cell-derived natural IgM changes with age in the context of sex. Numerous studies have exhibited that pituitary hormones and estrogen can affect B cell development (33C35), B cell maturation, and/or selection (36C38). Estrogen, in particular, has been shown to block B cell development during adult but Prosapogenin CP6 not fetal life (39). Furthermore, it was recently exhibited that EMR2 production of natural antibodies protective against infection depends upon estrogen (40). We have previously shown that this protective capacity of natural serum IgM diminishes with advancing age in male mice, and the germline status of CD5+ B-1 cell-derived natural IgM in male mice declines with age (41), a shift that depends on the specificity of the IgM and location of the CD5+ B-1 cell (peritoneal cavity versus spleen) (42). Furthermore, we have shown the age-related changes in germline status of natural IgM are a consequence of selection pressures acting upon the peritoneal CD5+ B-1 cell pool over time (41). Examining this information in sum, we hypothesized the female environment might differentially affect natural antibodies with advanced age. Using a mouse model system to examine age and sex variables, our results demonstrate significant sex-based differences in the protective capacity and structure of CD5+ B-1 cell derived IgM, CD5+ B-1 cell numbers, and gene expression. Our study greatly extends the understanding of how natural antibodies and the essential innate B cell subset are influenced by sex during advancing age. Materials and Methods Mice Male and female BALB/cByJ mice were obtained from The Jackson Laboratory at 6C8 weeks of age and aged in our vivarium. Male and female CB17-SCID mice were obtained from The Jackson Laboratory at 6C8 weeks of age and bred within our vivarium for use at 3C4 months of age. Mice were housed at 5 mice per cage with a 12-hour light/ 12-hour dark cycle and ad libitum access to water and food. Mice were cared for and handled in accordance with the Guideline for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, National Institutes of Health, and institutional guidelines. All animal studies were approved by the institutional IACUC committee. Cell Purification and Flow Cytometry Peritoneal lavage and spleen removals were performed on euthanized mice. Spleens were homogenized using the Miltenyi gentleMACS dissociator and then exceeded through a 70-um cell strainer. All samples were treated with Prosapogenin CP6 Prosapogenin CP6 RBC lysis buffer for 2 minutes (Lonza), subsequently diluted with HBSS with 2.5% FBS, and then centrifuged at 1200rpm for 10 minutes. The cells were resuspended in HBSS with 2.5% FBS, stained with immunofluorescent antibodies, and then analyzed on a Fortessa SORP flow cytometer or Prosapogenin CP6 Influx cell sorter (BD Biosciences) with gating on live cells by forward side scatter and/or Aqua Live/Dead stain (Invitrogen). Images were constructed with FlowJo 10.0 software (BD Biosciences). The following antibodies were obtained from BD Pharmingen: CD19 (clone ID3), CD43 (clone S7), B220/CD45 (clone RA3C6B2), CD23 (clone B3B4), CD5 (clone 53C7.3), CD80 (clone 16C10A),.